Super location for picnics - but...
Take a walk on the Wild side . . .
Avaaz petition to SAHRA: Please declare Hole in the Wall a heritage site
Submitted 4 years 3 months ago by Jeff Brown.
In this picture, you can see where they're busily building the turning circle. They've removed hundreds of cubes of topsoil, and have got to the stage where they return from dumping it with a load of sabunga to replace it, and they're even busy compacting it with a steam roller.
It's also in the approximate region where they think to put the picnic site.
See where the litter is going to irretrievably blow into the pristine cliff forest, river, and out to sea?
The Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism (DEDEAT) has approved this ecocidal insanity.
Please click on the link to sign our petition to SAHRA:
SAHRA: Please Declare Hole in the Wall a National Heritage Site to Protect It
Total views: 144 |
NELISA Soldati (not verified)
Sat, 31/10/2020 - 11:25
Please make the Hole in the
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