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During the years I spent in Mexico a great love for vibrant colour and mosaic was ignited in my work. I started combining natural building with mosaic. The time I spent with the Nahuatl tribes along the Pacific coast of Mexico also turned out to be very inspirational. I gathered a wealth of knowledge and new (old) ideas from these beautiful people. What started out as mosaic art suddenly evolved into many new useful and sustainable projects.
Natural building techniques are easily integrated with natural living. Sustainability on the fast track to becoming a necessity has opened the door to natural building as a point of interest.
Not only the indigenous tribes of Mexico, but also the indigenous people all over the world,are becoming teachers to those of us who are returning to rural life, self-sustainability and natural building.


I have a son who has been in the UK for the past 18months doing several kinds of jobs, but would like to specifically get involved in permaculture and come back to SA. I have been trying to find Universities, Institutes of technoliegs ,but there is no specific academic course in permaculture. Closest I can get is community agriculture. Could you maybe put me on the right track, or give me some advise. How do I also get him involved in companies like yourselves, where he willbe taught about permaculture and so to speak live and learn it. ?? I would so appreciate your help, and look forward to your reply to my email address. Regards ZYLMA CAMPBELL Tel 033 3956936 Fax 033 386 0622 Cell: 0788221661

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